Sunday, July 13, 2008

Open Course Ware For Educating Children In Ghana

The Internet is rich with all sorts of resources for education. This is a good source of education for children in Ghana and all over the world. All they need is an access to the Internet. One great source of this invaluable source of knowledge is The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) open course ware.

However, Internet access is a problem in Ghana. It is incumbent on the government to ensure that the schools have access to this important mode of learning and communication. Without that, most of the children would be hewers of wood and drawers of water.

Students from the universities and those doing advanced course work will also be able to make use of the MIT courses that have been made available on line. Quality education is becoming easily accessible provided one has the means to communicate and make contact with the outside world through the Internet.


Garrett said...

Thanks for posting to my blog. I just linked to yours. Interestingly I recently graduated from MIT and can attest to the quality of Open Courseware. It provides a great future opportunity for students in Ghana. I know that the main university in Ethopia is already using some of the materials.

Unknown said...

I am also grateful for your interest in educating children in Ghana. I am going to Ghana in the next few days and hope to set up a pilot project in a middle school to evaluate the effects of computers and the internet on the education of the students.

It is interesting to know that Ethiopia is already making use of the MIT open course ware. I hope Ghanaians will follow the Ethiopians' example.